Prathmesh Sayal

Lifelong Learner | CS Enthusiast


Prathmesh Sayal

Hello! I'm Prathmesh Sayal, a passionate learner with a strong foundation in education. Currently, I am working in the field of Python, Web Development and AI-powered applications to exploring the potential of blockchain technology, I'm constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow.

When I'm not immersed in lines of code, you can find me participating in hackathons, contributing to open-source & personal projects. Feel free to reach out if you're interested in collaboration, networking, or sharing insights within the realm of technology and engineering.


React logoReact
Python logoPython
Next.JS logoNext.JS
C logoC
C++ logoC++
JavaScript logoJavaScript
Node.js logoNode.js
Tensorflow logoTensorflow
Flask logoFlask
GCloud logoGCloud



A deep learning model for gender classification trained specifically on Indian faces. Uses TensorFlow and Keras to predict male or female with high accuracy and confidence scores.

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Symptom Sage

Intuitive web application designed to detect pneumonia from chest X-rays, generate comprehensive reports pinpointing affected lung areas, and seamlessly connect doctors and patients. This application was awarded first place at the BIT INCEPTRA'24 Hackathon.

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Radio Website Data Scraping

This Python script scrapes radio station data from a website and saves it to a CSV file. It utilizes BeautifulSoup for web scraping and requests for making HTTP requests.

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